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Why the bad things about Madden get destroyed out of proportion

Why the bad things about Madden get destroyed out of proportion. Some of the bigger complaints I consistently see madden 18 Coins and my adventures with those complaints.

Run Blocking A.I.:

(Complaint) They are to brainless to block correctly.

(My exp) You allegedly do accept a absolutely boilerplate or beneath boilerplate guy accepting ashore by Mack or Watt. Attending at the ambience of who is assault who on those play. Anticipate that doesn't appear in absolute life? Maybe you charge to about-face your TE or FB to help.

Maybe afterwards a few years of the Developers cogent us not to Authority turbo as anon as the brawl is airtight you anticipate humans would accept learned. Do Rb's in absolute activity not at times yield a accommodating admission to finishing a aperture afresh hitting the hole afresh alpha to abounding speed? It is accepted adeptness at this point that captivation turbo to anon makes it harder for the O-Line to appoint their blocks. Just in absolute activity it causes the slower O-Line sometimes to not be able to get the correct bend and leverage. You candidly anticipate Brown and Johnson can't abstract able that fat O-Linemen? You never ask how he is out active the faster Rb for a acceptable 5 yards or so? Every watch the abundant D-Linemen and LB's play in Absolute life?

Sometimes it doesn't bulk what the breach does the play is traveling to get destroyed up.


(Complaint) To abounding appear and it is unrealistic:

(My Exp) Yeh because you are application unrealistic players in unrealistic ways. If you abstract through the able and try to put a move on a LB and you didn't hit the Awning brawl button that top coffer LB or assurance adeptness could cause a fumble. Just like real life. Oh it is the end of a aggressive battling or analysis game. Why am I averseness so much? Oh yeh they are all traveling for band brawl artisan just like absolute life. But clashing absolute activity you are still not application the awning brawl mechanic.

Oh you ran 10 yards with Backup QB No namer and you didn't accelerate or awning brawl mechanic. How unrealistic that that playmaking pro basin SS striped the brawl or hit my QB so harder his parents cried. So unrealistic. On accepted playthrough I traded Gordon from Chargers and affective some no name absolutely fast tiny RB. I planned to grab a Amateur Rb of the approaching in my aboriginal offseason. I fumbled 4 times in one game. I aswell kept active up the boilerplate into abundant LB's and DT's not covering the brawl and aggravating to juke and mistiming it and was accepting hammered. So I was NOT agitated he fumbled so much. I was accepting dumb. Next anniversary I had traded for Blount and by Trucking and accoutrement the brawl I had one added RB bollix the rest of the season.

(Complaint) To abounding unrealistic alone passes or deflections

(My Exp) I to get a lot of alone passes. If I bandy to scrubs #2's and threes and added guys who accept no appropriate accepting on the field. Oh that guy isn't a jump brawl WR and his all-embracing is 75? Why on apple couldn't he go into Seahawk DB traffic and cull that down?!? Anniversary WR has Scheme or blazon or whatever. Get a top coffer Red Area blackmail WR and see how abounding drops he has on jump balls. Allegedly a astute bulk (Maybe a third are bent because in absolute activity they don't chuck it up 8 times a game). Yet humans play with Edelman and accuse he can't win fades into the endzone. Like no shit. Or worse they accept a amateur or Tavon Austin and they don't accept why he isn't assault Sherman on jump balls.

Play WR's to their strengths. Realize that for you to be absolutely acknowledged in contested throws or jump assurance you accept to accept both a appropriate Qb and the WR has to be in actuality bigger at that blazon of accomplishment than the guy he is aggressive with.

Good example. I am arena as the Chargers (Soon to be Portland River Hogs) in my accepted playthrough. I accept downloaded new abstract chic which has endure years also. Rivers to Gates and Mike Williams is deadly. Williams is assault a lot of really acceptable DB's about in the redzone. But that is aswell his specialty and Rivers knows how to blow it in. Gates is able-bodied gates. Able-bodied Rivers and Gates both went down. I had RGIII in for him. Had agitation scoring in the Redzone. RGIII was throwing it to low or out the aback of the endzone. Safeties were cheating appear Williams because no gates. I didn't cry about the bold accepting arbitrary because that Buy Madden NFL 18 Coins was a absolutely astute set of events. I absent a brace abutting amateur to the CPU which doesn't appear about because able-bodied J.J. Watt and Bucs DB's and artlessly RGIII doesn't accept abundant blow accurateness in the redzone. So yeh I struggled. Rivers came aback and aboriginal bold aback Williams affective 3 TD's.

As for deflections. I never accepted this criticism. Yeh they appear now in Madden but NOT added than absolute life. I would say a majority of some teams INTs are from angled passes. Sometimes they fly up to top unrealistically? Yeh, however the abundance isn't unrealistic. Ask Bradford that.

Smaller complaints. Fat DT's communicable my Rb from abaft (Like it doesn't anytime appear in absolute life). But anybody who complains about this should move your min acceleration bang authority lower. Simple fix.

People accusatory about Madden burglary a game. Usually are authoritative bad football mistakes. Not active the alarm out or accoutrement the brawl or throwing on 2nd and abbreviate if you are advanced in the bold and just charge to run the alarm out. 5 routes active with none accepting a camber or annoyance if it is a archetypal time a D would blitz. Not punting and giving the added aggregation abundant acreage position. Choosing to try and catechumen a analytical third down by casting a bruised abstain to your 5th WR.

Does Madden accept flaws? Yes it does. But so does every individual bold anytime made. I play Madden a lot. About absolutely Authorization admission with just CPU. I boss because I accept abstruse how to win a lot. But I don't consistently win the SB.

Sometimes I even get bounced aboriginal in the playoffs. But I do win the SB a lot. But added chiefly I accept absolute astute amateur throughout the analysis because I PLAY absolute realistically.

No one is adage you can't try to cheese and play like it is an arcade game. But EA has been adage for over a decade that this is a simulation. It works best if YOU try to simulate absolute life. even if you try your best to play realistically just bethink even in absolute activity abundant teams go up by halftime in a superbowl by 28-3 and still lose. I bet the Falcons aegis didn't bang down their helmet and say dammit the NFL needs 2k to actualize antagonism for this broken game.

DB/WR play

(Complaint) It is to unrealistic at times. To harder to canyon and to harder to awning if Madden wants you to lose.

(My Exp) You alleged the aforementioned three arresting plays all bold and Developers accept been cogent us for a decade the CPU learns your tendencies. On top of that your adverse Rodgers and it is a clamp moment. Totally unrealistic for abundant QB's to accomplish a improvement attempts. Shoot boilerplate Qb will go 5 beeline amateur with clamp end bold performances in absolute life. Abnormally on a aegis that does the exact aforementioned affair all game. Now their players are accepting clamp boosts and Rodgers is absolution you apperceive he realizes area your DB's are traveling to be because they accept done the aforementioned area play all game. You accept to mix things up. I get a lot of my

INT's from active alien area blitzes afterwards active man or basal zone. Just like in absolute life. Confuse the Qb. Sometimes does it just assume like their WR's are accepting accessible no bulk what? Yep. Does that appear in absolute life? Yep Your WR can't get open. Oh yeh you bustle up offensed the endure 5 drives and ran basically the aforementioned exact routes. How unrealistic that the aegis can awning your annoyed at this point allegedly third cord WR's who accept all been active the same abhorrent plays all game. How does Sherman KNOW my WR is traveling to run that route!?! So unrealistic.


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