My concern with a story mode in Madden 18 is that I wonder / fear to what degree Tiburon's hands are tied with respect to how the game represents the NFL. Will the game be able tell an interesting story about a football player that tackles meaningful ground, or will it be a white-washed presentation of the NFL as the NFL views itself in the mirror? I assume the developers will be able to execute on whatever script they are given at least to a reasonable degree - EA has done it already with FIFA and that got great reviews, and specific to Madden as we've seen with the intro sequences in the past three years the game already supports some level of in-game scripted sequences. This isn't going to be Ballers are Playmakers, but I think they have some leeway to be creative. I remember back when they moved to 360 and ps3 and they incorporated the specific position mode. This sounds very similar. Plus I can see them following how 2k doing it with their basketball series. ...
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